Through a profound introspective journey, my photography searches into the intricate process of traditional Korean art, teetering on the brink of extinction, in a quest to unravel the layers of my own identity. Each image in this series serves as a visual exploration of the themes of reincarnation and eternity, employing a surrealistic approach to capture the unwavering spirit of its subjects and the delicate balance of conserving and restoring these precious art forms. Celebrating the enduring legacy of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Korea, my work highlights the tireless dedication of artisans who continue to uphold time-honoured techniques, ensuring the preservation of these invaluable traditions and heritage for generations to come.

이 작업은 한국 전통 예술의 복잡한 제작 과정을 조명함을 통해 소멸 위기에 처한 전통 예술 보존을 향한 열망을 담고있다. 소중한 전통과 유산이 다음 세대에게 전해질 수 있도록 고유한 기술을 유지하고 헌신하는 장인들의 확고한 의지와, 전통 보존과 복원에 따르는 섬세한 균형을 영속성과 환생이라는 시각적 표현에 입각해 탐구한다.

·Hanji Paper Master: Chunho Kim (Training Assist. National Intangible Cultural Heritage)
·Brush Master: Kyungsoo Park (Kangwon Intangible Cultural Heritage No.24)
·Dancheong Paint Master: Yeonho Jeon (Daegu Intangible Cultural Heritage No.14)
·Goldleaf Master: Kiho Kim (National Intangible Cultural Heritage No.119)
·Pottery Master: Hyuncheol Kee
Special thanks to Kyusun Cha, Ramon J. Domenech, and Jongman Lee.

·한지 장인: 김춘호 (국가무형문화재 전수조교)
·붓 장인: 박경수 (강원무형문화재 제24호)
·단청 장인: 전연호 (대구무형문화재 제14호)
·금박 장인: 김기호 (국가무형문화재 제119호)
·도자기 장인: 기현철
차규선, 라몬 J. 도메네치, 이종만 님께 특별한 감사말씀 올린다.

-The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards & FotoNostrum Barcelona | 17th Pollux Awards Professional Section - Series | Documentary & Reportage | Korean Masters | Honorable Mention.

-MundoArti Virtual Museum 2022 | XI International Exhibition | Valencia Town Hall | Ministry of Culture and Sports | Government of Spain. 2022.

-Exhibited at l’atelier Richelieu, Paris 2021.