Teyé Lee

늑대의 습격, 잦은 산불, 밀렵꾼의 총구 앞에도 자유롭고 당당히 산과 들을 누비며 살아가는 갈리시아의 야생마들은 기마민족 후예인 사진가의 가슴을 설레게 했다. 매년 여름 사부세도 마을에서 맨손으로 야생마를 이발하는 갈리시아 켈트족 전통 ´라파 다스 베스타스’를 통해 종교와 문화, 자연과 인간의 공존을 살펴본다.

The wild horses of Galicia who live freely in the mountains despite the danger of wolf attacks, bushfires, and poacher’s riffles, captivated the photographer’s heart. Every summer the villagers of Sabucedo in Galicia shave wild horses with their bare hands. By investigating ‘Rapa das Bestas’ a tradition originating back to Celtic era, the photographer invites us on an emotional journey tracing back his Eurasian Nomad root.

Los caballos salvajes de Galicia que viven libres en las montañas a pesar del peligro de ataques de lobos, incendios forestales y rifles de cazadores furtivos, cautivaron el corazón del fotógrafo. Cada verano, los vecinos de Sabucedo en Galicia afeitan caballos salvajes con sus propias manos. Al investigar 'Rapa das Bestas', una tradición que se remonta a la era celta, el fotógrafo nos invita a un viaje emocional que rastrea su raíz nómada euroasiática.

Designed by Mingyu Seo

Exhibition: Zaha Museum.
Commissioner: Ramon Domenech.
Film Direction & Edit: Teyé.
Camera Assistant: Andrea Caruncho.
Colourist: Aaron Fuks.
Poster & Book Design: Mingyu Seo.
Pentatone Separation & Book Printing: UHWACOMPANY.
Special thanks to CHA, Kyu-Sun and Ramon J. Domenech.

This project work has received the proud support of Leica Camera AG & Leica Camera Iberia.
Supported by the Embassy of Spain in the Republic of Korea.

이태제 사진집 My World(s)
Published by Martian Story 마르시안스토리
All Images © TEYÉ
Size: 231 x 315 x 9 mm
Number of pages: 80
Print: Offset, Metal, Pentatone
Binding style: Swiss Binding (Softcover)
Date of Publication: 2022. 5
Edition: 500 Copies

ISBN 978-89-94155-84-5

Exhibition: Leica Cheongdam, Seoul.
Photo courtesy of Leica Korea.

TEYÉ & Doyeon Gwon exhibition at Gallery Ryugaheon
Photo courtesy of Seo, Min-gyu.

IPA 2022 1st Place, Professional Category: Analog, Film, and other
-IPA 2022 Honorable Mention Professional Category: Book Fine Art
IPA 2022 Honorable Mention Professional Category: Book Documentary
IPA 2022 5 x Official Selections in categories: Documentary, Photo Essay, Traditions & Cultures, Fine Art
8th Fine Art Photography Awards Nomination on Professional section Wildlife/Animals category.
-MundoArti Virtual Museum 2022, Ministry of Culture and Sports, Government of Spain.
-7th Fine Art Photography Awards, Open Theme Winner.